Type of Request
General Inquiry/Comment
MSBU Application/Brochure/Materials Request
Lien Payoff/Satisfaction of Lien
Solid Waste Options
Street Lighting Equipment Maintenance/Repair
Register Email
Report a Lake Management Concern
Area of Interest
Brochure(s) or Materials Requested
MSBU Application Packet
MSBU Guidelines & Procedure manual (Available as on-line download)
"What is an MSBU" - Highlights process, procedures and requirements related to establishing a new assessment district [MSBU]
"Non-Ad Valorem Assessments" - Provides an overview of the non-ad valorem assessments assigned to properties located in unincorporated Seminole County. Included information that may be helpful to new owners of property receiving benefits through the Seminole County MSBU Program.
"Solid Waste Management Program" - Offers a summary of services, requirements, and other helpful information related to the Seminole County Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Program.
Additional Details or clarification of inquiry/ comments
Email Address:
Property Address:
Mailing Address (if different from Property Address):
Zip Code:
##### - #### * required
Daytime Phone Number:
###- ### - #### * required