If you are an unincorporated Seminole County Solid Waste Customer, enter your name or street name in the search box to look up your individual garbage collection information.

  Enter Your Name:
Hints: Enter Your Name:
Enter your last name and review the list. To narrow down your results, enter your full name in last name, first name, middle initial order.

For example:
First search: Smith
Second search: Smith John E

Your best way to make sure you get a listing is to type smi or smith or smith john the first time and then review the list. Then type the best name that narrows down your search.

--------------------------------------------- OR ---------------------------------------------

  Enter Street Name:
Hints: The exact street name in this search listings are not always accurate and consistent. 

For example:
Sanford Ave
is listed as Sanford Av or Sandy Lane as Sandy Ln

Your best way to make sure you get a listing is to type san or sanf or sanford the first time and then review the list. Then type the best street name that narrows down your search.

If the property has changed ownership within the past 4 months, search by the previous owners name if known. If you are not able to access your property through this search, either contact the MSBU Program office or call 407-665-7178.